How to Configure Outlook for Gmail

How to Configure Outlook for Gmail

(You can configure your Gmail account easily with of Microsoft Outlook 2016 and need to set up outlook mail to allow you to download Email as POP or IMAP)

Here are some steps to configure MS Outlook for Gmail. 
First setup Gmail to configure for Microsoft Outlook 2016

How to Configure Outlook for Gmail

Step1: Login with Gmail account
Step2: Go to Setting icon and click Settings on menu
Settings on menu
Step3: Under Setting click on Forwarding and POP/IMAP
Step4: Move your cursor in IMAP access area Status should be Enable IMAP
Forwarding and POP/IMAP
Step5: Click on Save Changes
Step6: Logout and login again Gmail account
Step7: Copy and Paste below link in your browser and hit Enter


Step8: Allow less secure apps: ON

Allow less secure apps: ON

Open Microsoft Outlook 2016

Step9: Add account over menu Auto Account Setup Click on check box Manual Setup or additional server types then click Next

Manual Setup or additional server types

Step10: Choose Service POP or IMAP then click Next

Choose Service POP or IMAP

Step11: IMAP Account Setting should be Enter following information as below
User Information
Your name: abc
Email Address:
Server Information
Account type: IMAP
Incoming mail server:
Outgoing mail server (SMTP):
Logon Information
User Name:
Password: ........

POP AND IMAP account setting

Step12: click on More Settings > Go to the tab Outgoing Server
Click check box on My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication
Click to select Use same setting as my incoming server
Outgoing server of outlook
Step13: Go to Tab Advanced
Server Port Numbers
Incoming server (IMAP): 993
Use the following type of encrypted connection: SSL
Outgoing Server (SMTP): 25
Use the following type of encrypted connection: Auto
Server Timeouts to increase more than 5 minutes
Incoming server (IMAP)
 Step14: Click OK and NEXT
Step15: See the status of your Test Account settings then Close and Finish
Test Account settings

Now all emails are in your inbox


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