Recover flash drive data

How to recover flash drive files and How to recover Hard disk drive files if infected by virus

Restoring Flash drive files or Recover Hard Disk drive files and folders 

which is  hidden by Virus and showing Shortcut type

Recover flash drive data

Virus in flash drive and Virus infected Hard disk drive data are showing shortcuts. What the virus usually do to your files, they modify the attributes and parameters of the folders. which is hides, it is very simple to Recover flash drive data and Recover Hard disk drive data attributes to view the hidden files and scan again by using any good Antivirus as well as delete the shortcut after retrieving your hidden files and Folders

Here I mention unhide files hidden by virus or usb shortcut virus and fix drive without formatting in simple steps by using the attribute commands from the command prompt

First, make sure that drives are connected and find the drive name (Eg. D/E/F)

Flash drive location is F here
Flash drive location

Virus on flash drive and Infected virus document and files as same as Picture Below then go head follows these steps.
Virus infected flash drive

Step1: Open CMD (Command Prompt) run as administrator
Start > All programs > Accessories > Command Prompt
command Prompt

Step2: Right-Click to Open Run as administrator
run as administrator

Step3: Administrator Command Prompt, Locate your drive name (Eg. F)


Type cd.. then Enter
adminstrator command Prompt

Hit Enter
system32 cd

Hit Enter
windows cd
Reached till C:\>

Step4: Type in CMD ( Remember F is drive name)
Note: in place of F type your drive name

C:\>attrib -h -r -s /s /d F:\*.*
Hit Enter
restore flash memory

Wait till C:\> prompt and exit CMD

Now Open your flash drive / Hard disk drive and Make sure your file and folder are unhide

Go to Next step below

Step5: Click on type and select Shortcut type then Delete all Shortcut type files from your drive
delete all shortcup file from flash drive

Now start Antivirus to Scan your Flash drive  / Hard disk drive
If you detect any virus, delete it first
Then Scan again


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