How to Reset forgotten Password for Windows

 Reset forgotten Password for windows 10/8/7

Forgotten Password for Windows

Here some steps of resetting Forgotten Password for Windows in Simple and Easy ways.
Step1: Put any bootable CD/DVD/USB in your Computer

Step2: Restart the Computer

Step3: Go to bootable option by pressing function key F12

Step4: Select boot menu like CD/DVD/USB - Press to Enter
boot menu
Step5: Boot from option like CD/DVD/USB Press Enter
Boot option
Reset forgotten Password
Step6: Click to Next

Step7: Go to " Repair your Computer " - Select / Click

Repair your Computer
Step8: Choose the option " Troubleshoot "

Step9: Click Advanced Options

Step10: Click to Command Prompt

Step11: Navigate your drive where Windows installed
Navigate your drive where Windows installed
Step12: By checking x:\sources c: or d hit enter

Command Prompt
Step13: c:\ or d:\
Press enter

Step14: d:\>cd windows
Press enter

Step15: d:\windows\>cd system32
Press enter
 ren utilman.exe utilman_bak
Step16: d:\windows\system32 >ren utilman.exe utilman_bak.exe Press enter

Step17: d:\windows\system32>copy cmd.exe utilman.exe
Press enter

Step18: d:\windows\system32>exit
Press enter

Step19: Restart your Computer by using Turn off your PC

Step20: Power ON of your Computer and Go to bottom right side click "on screen" (see inside circle)
on screen

Step21: d:\windows\system32>control userpasswords2
Press Enter
control userpasswords2
Step22: It will open a user account
user account
Step23: Select User Name and click on reset password and Enter new password & confirm new password then press OK.

Now Apply and OK
reset password
Step24: Exit cmd

Step25: Go to c: drive as below link, delete utilman.exe and rename utilman_bak to utilman


If not Rename utilman.exe and asking to permission

Follow these steps

Step26: You should right click on utilman_bak and go to properties >security tab> advanced
If not Rename utilman.exe
Step27: Click on permission beside owner click change
permission beside owner click change

Step28: After click change > click advance > then click on Find now, Select users then press OK > apply>OK

Find now

Step29. After Selecting user click on edit > then click to full control and full modify> apply and OK
full control
Step30: Rename utilman_bak to utilman press hit to continue
Rename utilman_bak to utilman

Restart your Computer and Login with new Password

My YouTube Videos on following link :


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