Windows 10 Password Change

Windows 10 Password Change

How to Change/ Reset User Password for Windows 10

Windows 10 Password Change

To Change Windows 10 Password or reset Windows 10 password and setup with a new password when you leave your computer to protect by password for other users using of your Computer
Here the options the for Windows 10 password change in simple way, if you using local account or administrator account on running Microsoft windows 10 to create new password.
Follow these lines

Go to Control Panel
Reset windows 10 user password
Move and click on User Accounts
User Accounts
Click on again User Accounts

Reset User Password for Windows 10
Click on Manage Account

Manage Account
Click on Selected USER
Selected user

Click on Change Password
Change Password
Enter Current Password
Enter New Password
Enter Confirm new Password
old password change into New password
Click of Change Password

Restart your computer and login with New Password

Now your old password change into New password


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